Bread & Bartering

Dylan Valev

This month we hardened how the player will be obtaining new abilities to customize their builds with. Previously, we had only one type of currency that was derived from many different aspects of a player’s previous run. Now, the player will be obtaining up to four different currency types: Combat, Exploration, Intuition, and Rare. Each of these is obtained through actions relating to their respective names. Killed a bunch of baddies? You’ll find yourself cashing out on a lot of combat currency. Like exploring the world and playing with environmental challenges? You’ll be rewarded accordingly. 

With these new currency types, the player will be able to purchase DNA at a cost related to such attributes. For instance, explosive DNA will mostly be comprised of combat, while DNA charming enemies will cost a lot more intuition. In doing so, we’ll reward players’ play styles and inform them how newly discovered DNA behaves.